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IMA Student Chapter Award of Excellence
IMA® (Institute of Management Accountants) sponsors this program for student chapters (IMASCs).
• All chapters are eligible and encouraged to participate.
• The program is directed principally toward stimulating the chapters to promote the Mission and Vision of IMA as well as to provide a broad spectrum of activities and services to its student members.
IMA Mission Statement
To provide a forum for research, practice development, education, knowledge sharing, and the advocacy of the highest ethical and best business practices in management accounting and finance.
IMA Vision Statement
To be the leading resource for developing, certifying, connecting, and supporting the world’s best accountants and financial professionals in business.
An Award of Excellence will be awarded to those student chapters meeting the requirements as established by IMA. The program’s emphasis is on IMA and the promotion of management accounting/financial management as a profession and a career while encouraging IMASCs to be creative in providing services to their members.There are three levels of achievement in this year’s program: Gold, Silver, and Bronze. Student chapters that fulfill all the Gold Level requirements will receive $500.00. All levels of achievement will receive an Award of Excellence Certificate.
Ethics Code
Chapter officers and faculty advisors are to adhere to the standards of ethical conduct for management accountants and finance professionals in reporting the results of chapter operations.
Program Procedures: Read all materials contained in this year’s program requirements. The program is divided in two parts.
The first submission requirements must be submitted no later than: Thursday, October 31, 2024.
These include the: Letter of Intent and Chapter Plan
You can submit the 1st part of your application for the Chapter Award of Excellence by clicking here.
Part Two of AOE Procedures:
The second submission requirements must be submitted no later than: Tuesday, April 15, 2025.
All listed events within the AOE must have occurred by April 15, 2025.
*Please refer to the Program Procedures document for a complete listing of the components required for each award level. You can access the program procedures document for the second submittal requirements, by clicking Here.
The 2nd submittal requirements consist of:
Administrative Reports:
Student Chapter Profile - The Student Chapter Profile (Form C) is to be completed by the IMASC President or Faculty Advisor. Electronic Acknowledgement by these individuals is required. This form will help IMA gather information about the various IMASCs and establish a communication network.
Training of Officers/Leadership Training Seminar - It is important for IMASCs to provide training for chapter officers in order to enhance their leadership capabilities and clarify their responsibilities. This could be accomplished by attending a Leadership Training Seminar (LTS), holding a training workshop presented by the faculty advisor, providing training by peers who have previously held offices in the IMASC, and/or having representation on the parent chapter board where student board members share their new knowledge of effective governance with other student chapter officers.
Scholarship/Competition Report - Student names need to be documented for scholarship/competition participation with IMA and membership numbers must be noted. Participation is for the school year August 2024 through March 2025. Please do not submit multiple entries for the same scholarship as it will only count as one. *Please note: the MEF Scholarship is no longer offered.
Planning and Evaluation:
Treasurer’s Report: Prepare a report as of March 31, 2025. Include three columns: Budget, Actual, and Variance for each revenue and expense item.
*Download the Spreadsheet (Form B) by clicking on the Treasurer's Report - Form B and upload it in application platform once completed.
PLEASE NOTE: A report of variances for each revenue and/or expense item must be provided explaining any variance of 10% or more.
Treasurer’s Report - Revenues and expenses for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2025.
Programs and Activities:
Chapter Education Meetings - Typically include speakers who provide opportunities for chapter members to enhance their knowledge about business, including topics relating to careers.
• Educational Meetings/Speaker Presentation
• CMA Meeting
• Member Orientation Meeting
• Ethics Meeting – Ethics topic must be planned and noted
• Plant Tour/Industry Visit
Suggested topics for educational meetings:
• Management accounting/financial management practices and career opportunities in manufacturing, service, government, not-for-profit, and education sectors
• Ethics
• Management and leadership skills
• Presentation skills
• Career development and job-seeking skills such as interviewing techniques, etiquette, and dressing for success
New Member Orientation Meeting
The purpose of this activity is to inform new members about the activities of the student chapter, the sponsoring IMA chapter, the benefits, and services available from IMA, an outline of the ways that they can become active in your chapter, and the benefits of continuing membership after graduation. Include a brief description of this presentation.
Plant Tours/Industry Visits:
Include tours of facilities that will provide exposure to various products, services, facilities, and methods of operation, expanding the participating member’s perspective. A discussion or presentation of business-related procedures by a company representative should be included.
Promotional Events:
• IMA-Sponsored Booth
• Meet & Greet with Prospects
• Community Service Projects**
• Publish article on IMA in school newspaper or local paper
**Community Service Projects: Include a description of each community service project completed. These projects encourage the involvement of IMASCs and members in aiding the local community. If available, also include documentation of the project such as a thank-you letter from the recipient of your service, photos of the event, etc.
IMA Chapter Newsletters
• Fall/Winter – IMA Content
• Spring – IMA Content
Optional: Opportunities for Chapter Development
Each chapter is encouraged to engage in additional opportunities to promote IMA membership and student programs. The corresponding form must be used to get credit for additional activities.
• Additional Industry Tours (in person or virtual)
• Additional Community Service Projects
• Additional Leadership Training
• New Member Enrollment – IMA Member #’s required
• Mentoring New Members – provide details
• Promote CMA – provide details
• Attend local chapter meetings or IMA Conferences (in person or virtual) – provide details
You will be notified before March 31st on when you can submit the 2nd part of your application for the Chapter Award of Excellence.
All listed events within the AOE must have occurred by March 31, 2025.